On my blog post Progress Bars with SharePoint Online Column Formatting I showed how the new Column Formatting functionality can help to show progress bars inside a list:


On this post, I received the following comment from Rick:

Progress is usually associated with completion (blue). What would it take to have the progress % be blue, and the background color of the bar (= 100%), associated from a separate column?

Your “status” (Red, Yellow, Green) could be different for various reasons not associated with the progress. So, if your progress is 50%, 1/2 the bar would be blue. If your “status” column (choice) is Red, the second 50% of the bar would be Red. Go to status column, change to yellow, then second 50% would be Yellow, and progress 50% is still blue.


I created a new list for this with a Choice column called “Risk” (values: Low, Medium, High), and a Number column called Progress. The final look with the new Column Formatting JSON applied looks as follows:

Updating the original JSON was easy. What I did was:

  1. Add a background colour to the main DIV that I already had available, and set the colour to red/amber/green depending on the value of the Risk column
  2. Update the background colour of the percentage SPAN to a static colour instead of a dynamic colour based on a value

Here’s the updated JSON:

               " %"

One thought on “Progress Bars with SharePoint Online Column Formatting – April 2018 Update”

  1. Great tuning, but when I used it , the numbers are changing to be with fractions “Such as 14.000000000002%”
    how can I make sure it is without decimals ??

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