Just a few days I wrote that ” it’s been MONTHS since I last ran a PowerShell script!” – and yesterday I not only had to run a script, but create it first. Luckily I still remembered how to use some of the PnP PowerShell cmdlets (though I have to confess, I forgot some syntax), and got the script working within a very short time. Not a surprise, really, as its purpose is quite simple.
What I wanted to do is to track some changes that were made to a list item in SharePoint Online – basically, who updated the item, made which changes to which fields, and when. Sounds exactly like the OOTB version history, but I needed to export it to CSV. As this is a “get the job done quickly” kind of script, it’s kept extremely simple – but as said, it gets the job done. Fields that I wanted to track a hardcoded, and exporting the columns to the CSV is not done in any specific order. Could be improved, but doesn’t have to.
Not much else needs to be explained, here’s the very simple script:
$ListName = "My List Name"
$siteUrl = "https://example.sharepoint.com/sites/demosite"
$ItemId = 1234
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl
$list = get-pnplist -Identity $ListName
$item = Get-PnPListItem -List $list -Id $ItemId
$versions = = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $item -Property Versions
$VersionHistory = @()
Foreach($version in $versions)
$CreatedBy = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $version -Property createdby
$VersionHistory += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
'VersionId' = $version.VersionId
'Created by' = $CreatedBy.Title
'Created' = $version.Created
#Update here as required with your own columns
'My First Column' = $version.FieldValues["MyFirstColumn"]
'Another Column' = $version.FieldValues["AnotherColumn"]
'One More Column' = $version.FieldValues["OneMoreColumn"]
$VersionHistory | Export-Csv "VersionHistory $($ListName) $($ItemId).csv"
Link to the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/modery/PnP-Samples/blob/master/Items/GetItemVersionHistory
Photo by Fatos Bytyqi on Unsplash
I’m receiving an error when I run this.
et-PnPProperty : ‘Versions’ is not a member of type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItem’
These are the commands:
$item = Get-PnPListItem -List $list -Id $CWTID
$versions = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $item -Property Versions
Hi Chris, this was an error I only saw with very old versions of PnP and/or the corresponding CSOM library when run against SharePoint Online. Just to confirm, are you connecting to SPO or to an on-premises version of SharePoint?
Do you run the latest (or a relatively recent) version of PnP?
I just checked mine via
get-module -Name SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline
, and my version is nearly 2 years old (3.8) but worksHi,
i have the same issue with on-premise connection to SharePoint 2016.
Do you have an idea what is the problem with this?
Best regards,
This is the line in error with two equals signs:
$versions = = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $item -Property Versions
Thanks for giving this, really useful and exactly what I was looking for support on doing on a wider basis for all files – which I should be able to achieve easily enough.
Hi, I have a similar need but also need to extract the check-in comment that goes with each version of a page. Could you please (please, please) demonstrate how this can be done. I have tried but only seem to be able to get the check-in comment for the current version of the page. Please provide the code if you can, it is driving me crazy.
Thank you greatly.