Imagine the following scenario: A user or a group of people need full access to all site collections in your Office 365 tenant. It could be a service account that gathers some statistics regularly, or a group of users who provide regular detailed support to your organization. How can you ensure that these users have access to all site collections, even newly created ones? What is the best of all to manage this group of users?
Currently, there is no way how you automatically assign users or groups as site collection administrators in your tenant. And while you can manage the settings per site collection in the SharePoint Online Administration area of the Office 365 portal, doing so for dozens or hundreds of sites is not a productive use of time.
But there’s a way to automate this process, and as usual PowerShell comes to the rescue. What you need are the OfficeDev PnP PowerShell cmdlets available at (review the installation instructions on that page if you haven’t installed those awesome cmdlets yet) and an account which has been assigned either the “SharePoint administrator” or “Global administrator” role in your tenant.
The cmdlet we are interested in is called Set-SPOTenantSite. It allows you to manage some selected properties of a SharePoint Online site collection, among them the owners. The ‘Owners’ parameter expected a list of accounts, for example: ‘’, ‘’, ‘’. As you can see, it requires a user’s login name. But how about groups? If I create an Office 365 group, how can I determine its login name? While you can also achieve the same thing via PowerShell, this is one way to do it via the browser:
- Go to a SharePoint site and grant the group access
- While still on the permissions view, click on the Group name so that you access it’s Personal Settings page
- On that page, it will list something like “Account c:0-.f|rolemanager|s-1-5-21-784567607-4288704409-1262486537-2161342”. “c:0-.f|rolemanager|s-1-5-21-784567607-4288704409-1262486537-2161342” is the login name which you need
- You can then remove the permissions for the group again
Next, you also need to think about which users you want to add as site collection administrators. If you have a group of users that should be added to all site collections, it makes sense to add all those users either to an Active Directory group (if you’re synchronising your Active Directory with Office 365) or an Office 365 group. That way, you can manage the group of users fairly easily, and add or remove users simply by managing the group – without having to do anything on the site collections directly.
The Script
Here’s the script that helps you set the site collection administrators on a filtered set of site collections (I’m skipping any personal OneDrive for Business sites in the *mytenant-my.sharepoint/* path, e.g. Update: I just realised that OneDrive sites aren’t returned by default, the IncludeOneDriveSites parameter has to be set to $true for this. Either way, we’re skipping sites in the* path in this example). Please note that in its current form below, it is meant to be run directly by someone who has account credentials for a “SharePoint administrator” or “Global administrator”. It can be adapted to use stored credentials, e.g. when you want to run it as a daily scheduled task on a server.
#comma separated list of users and groups to be added $adminAccounts = "","" #Specify the tenant here $tenant = "mytenant" # Note: If you run this script regularly, please have a look at the following site to see how you can store credentials securely in Windows # $cred = Get-Credential write-host "Connecting to https://$($tenant)" Connect-PnPOnline -Url "https://$($tenant)" -Credentials $cred write-host "Getting list of site collections" #Note: we are only fetching the root site collection and any site collection in the /sites/ path #Update filters here accordingly to match your requirements $sitecollections = Get-PnPTenantSite | where {($_.Url -like "*$($tenant)") -or ($_.Url -like "*$($tenant)*")} foreach($sitecollection in $sitecollections) { write-host "Adding administrators to $($sitecollection.Url)" Set-PnPTenantSite -Url $sitecollection.Url -Owners $adminAccounts }
That’s it, just a couple of lines of PowerShell which can save you a lot of time and help you with your support processes.
Lastly, if you want to run this script regularly as you want to ensure that your users/groups are also added to new site collections and added to existing ones (if they have been removed), I would recommend to follow the instructions given on the OfficeDev PnP PowerShell page for setting up credentials in Windows’ credentials manager and running the script as a scheduled task.
Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #Office365 #SharePoint
Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections: Introduction Imagine the following scenario…
Setting Administrators on all #SharePoint Online Site Collections #Office365
RT @modery: Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
RT @modery: Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections | Office 365 MVP Rene Modery via @modery
Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #office365
RT @modery: Blog Archive: Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
RT @modery: Blog Archive: Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
RT @modery: Blog Archive: Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
RT @modery: Blog Archive: Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
RT @modery: Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
RT @modery: Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections #sharepoint #office365
awesome article. Is there a way you can retrieve who is a member of site collection administrators for all one drive?
Hi, it is possible from my understanding, but not as easily yet. I’ll see if I can get a script prepared this month