On June 17th and 18th, an online SharePoint conference named SPBiz with a major focus on business-related topics will take place. I’ll participate with a session called “Practical Advice for developing your SharePoint Roadmap”: On-premises, cloud, or both? One centralized farm or multiple farms in different geographical regions? SharePoint as an intranet, an Enterprise Content Management System, or as THE central platform for all your company’s applications? Deciding what to Details
Speaking at SP24 – SharePoint Online vs On-Premises vs Hosted – Making the Right Choice
In two weeks, the 24-Hour SharePoint Conference (SP24) will take place. With 106 sessions, there are surely also a few that might be interesting to you, so go and register asap! I’ll be presenting on “SharePoint Online vs On-Premises vs Hosted – Making the Right Choice”
I’m speaking at the European SharePoint Conference 2014
In case you missed it, the European SharePoint Conference 2014 programme is now available and I’m delighted to announce that I am speaking at Europe’s largest SharePoint event in Barcelona, Spain from the 5-8th May 2014. I will be conducting two sessions on “Implementing a Hybrid SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 environment” and “SharePoint Online vs On-Premises vs Hosted – Making the Right Choice”. “Implementing a Hybrid SharePoint 2013 and Details
Presenting at SharePoint Connections and European Office 365 connect
As an Office 365 MVP, I’m an active member of the SharePoint and Office 365 community. I blog, I write articles and books, I hold webinars, and sometimes I also present at conferences. I’m happy to announce that I’ll be speaking twice in the Netherlands, once in November at SharePoint Connections 2013, and in January at the first European Office 365 connect. SharePoint Connections Amsterdam 2013 – 19.-21.November 2013 I’ll Details
Speaking at SharePoint Connections Amsterdam in November
For the third time, the SharePoint Connections will take place in Amsterdam on 19th and 20th November 2013. There’s a very nice line-up of lots of international and renowned speakers (Michael Noel, Joel Olesen, Penelope Coventry, Steve Fox, Dan Holme, Mirjam van Olst, Spencer Harbar to mention a few), and I’m happy to be presenting alongside them as well. My two sessions there are: Hybrid SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Details
[DE] Vortrag auf der ShareConf in Düsseldorf: Implementierung von Hybridumgebungen mit SharePoint 2013 und Office 365
Nachdem ich ja vor kurzem bekannt gegeben habe, dass ich ab Juni wieder in Europa arbeiten werde, freue ich mich nun auch meine erste Zusage für eine Konferenz erhalten zu haben. Vom 11.-13. Juni 2013 findet in Düsseldorf wieder die ShareConf statt, ich werde dort einen Vortrag zum Thema Implementierung von Hybridumgebungen mit SharePoint 2013 und Office 365 halten. Hier die Kurzinfo zum Vortrag: Was sind die technischen Anforderungen an Details
Southeast Asia SharePoint Conference 2013
SOUTHEAST ASIA’S BIGGEST SHAREPOINT EVENT returns for the THIRD Year Singapore 16 & 17 January, 2013 ENGAGE in a launch event featuring SharePoint 2013, Office 2013, Lync 2013, O365 and Exchange 2013. EXTEND your ROI on IT with Southeast Aisa’s biggest solution exhibition of products and services. LEARN with hands-on labs for practical experience. Explore integration, strategy, business solutions and technical best practices. CONNECT with expert speakers, colleagues and Microsoft Details