Office 365 Advent Calendar – 11 Adding sample items with random data to a SharePoint Online List

Scenario Sometimes you want to create some random sample data to be used in a SharePoint Online list. For example, in yesterday’s post I was using a list with some data which I entered manually, but I thought afterwards that I could’ve scripted it to create many more items in my demo list. Today, I show you how you can easily fill a list in SharePoint Online with as many Details

Office 365 Advent Calendar – 08 Get Versioning Details for all Lists in a SharePoint Online Site

Scenario By default, libraries in SharePoint Online keep the last 500 major versions of a item, but lists have no versioning turned on. And while you can easily finetune the settings for all lists and libraries in a site, it may be good to know how versioning is set on each library before you look at changing those settings. Today’s post provides you with a script that retrieves all versioning related Details

Office 365 Advent Calendar – 03 Programatically accessing a SharePoint Online Recycle Bin

Scenario You’ve got a big amount of items in the recycle bin of a site which you want to access. For example, a user accidentally deleted hundreds of files, and now you want to restore them back easily. Or you have a thousand items in the recycle bin and you want to export some information (which items are in the recycle bin, who deleted them and when) to Excel Code Details

Office 365 Advent Calendar – 02 Retrieving SharePoint Online Site Collection Sizes

Scenario You want to get an overview of the storage usage of all site collections in your tenant, similar to what you can see in the “SharePoint Administration” section in Office 365. But as you may have hundreds of site collections, or as you want to pass on that information to someone else, you want to extract this information into a spreadsheet Code $cred = Get-Credential Connect-PnPOnline -Url "" -Credentials Details

Office 365 Advent Calendar – 01 Getting all Permissions Levels in SharePoint Online

Scenario You want to get an overview of all Permission Levels that are set up in your tenant’s SharePoint Online site collections. Not only the out-of-the-box permission such as “Full Control” or “Read”, but also any custom permission levels which may have been defined by your site collection’s administrators (“Add Only” is a common example). Code A prerequisite for this code are the OfficeDev PnP PowerShell cmdlets. Ensure that you have Details

Getting your Office 365 tenant’s SharePoint site structure with PowerShell

Update 12 June 2018: Updated cmdlets to follow the newer PnP naming standards (e.g. Connect-PnPOnline instead of Connect-SPOnline). Introduction From time to time you may want to get an overview of the structure of your SharePoint Online environment. That is, you want to know the number of site collections and subsites, and know how they are organised. While you could review the existing site collections either in the UI (not Details

Setting Administrators on all SharePoint Online Site Collections

Introduction Imagine the following scenario: A user or a group of people need full access to all site collections in your Office 365 tenant. It could be a service account that gathers some statistics regularly, or a group of users who provide regular detailed support to your organization. How can you ensure that these users have access to all site collections, even newly created ones? What is the best of all Details

Script to download the SharePoint Online DLLs

Over at the SharePoint Community, Balamurugan Kailasam posted that he was able to download the DLLs from SharePoint Online. While it is unclear at the moment why this is possible (maybe required by some tools?), or if this might be deactivated at some point, I decided nevertheless to write a small PowerShell script to download all DLLs that I’m aware of. The code below create a subfolder with the current time Details

New options in the SharePoint Online Management Shell PowerShell cmdlets

A few days ago, Microsoft released a new version of their SharePoint Online Management Shell (the PowerShell cmdlets that can be used to manage SharePoint Online). In this blog post, I will briefly explain what was changed and what you can do now with the new options. Note: The new internal version number for the cmdlets is : 15.0.4569.1506 Sites The first new attribute that is available is for Site Collections Details