SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 diverge even further – different icon sets

During a meeting with a customer yesterday, they spotted something amusing that I hadn’t noticed until they pointed it out. Have a look at the following screenshot from Office 365 and see if you can spot the issue as well:   And, did you discover it? The Edit Item button isn’t using it’s regular icon, but uses the same as the Delete Item button! Here’s how it should look like Details

Presenting at SharePoint Connections and European Office 365 connect

As an Office 365 MVP, I’m an active member of the SharePoint and Office 365 community. I blog, I write articles and books, I hold webinars, and sometimes I also present at conferences. I’m happy to announce that I’ll be speaking twice in the Netherlands, once in November at SharePoint Connections 2013, and in January at the first European Office 365 connect. SharePoint Connections Amsterdam 2013 – 19.-21.November 2013 I’ll Details

[DE] Implementierung von Hybridumgebungen mit SharePoint 2013 und Office 365

Ich hatte letzte Woche einen Vortrag auf der ShareConf in Düsseldorf zum Thema “Implementierung von Hybridumgebungen mit SharePoint 2013 und Office 365”. Nach der Präsentation kamen ein paar interessante Fragen auf (beispielsweise zum Thema MySite), die ich weiter verfolge und demnächst darüber berichten werde. Meine Vortragsfolien sind nun auch über das 1stQuad Solutions Firmenblog verfügbar.

Webinar: Hybrid SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Environments

This coming Wednesday, I’ll be doing a webinar hosted by MetaVis Technologies on Hybrid SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Environments: More and more companies are interested in moving some or all of their operations to Office 365 / SharePoint Online. However, many of them have existing SharePoint environments, which they still want to continue using. In this Webinar, Office 365 MVP Rene Modery will look at how a hybrid environment Details

Major Update to: Hybrid for SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365

The official Microsoft article on TechNet on Hybrid environments for SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 has received a major updated, now including a lot more information. Here’s what has changed: Previously The previous article was basically a summary of what resources are available for download for hybrid environments, namely the following four resources: Configure a one-way hybrid environment with SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365This document describes how to configure Details

[DE] Vortrag auf der ShareConf in Düsseldorf: Implementierung von Hybridumgebungen mit SharePoint 2013 und Office 365

Nachdem ich ja vor kurzem bekannt gegeben habe, dass ich ab Juni wieder in Europa arbeiten werde, freue ich mich nun auch meine erste Zusage für eine Konferenz erhalten zu haben. Vom 11.-13. Juni 2013 findet in Düsseldorf wieder die ShareConf statt, ich werde dort einen Vortrag zum Thema Implementierung von Hybridumgebungen mit SharePoint 2013 und Office 365 halten. Hier die Kurzinfo zum Vortrag: Was sind die technischen Anforderungen an Details

My slides: Office 365 and SharePoint 2013 Hybrid Environments

Here’s my slidedeck from my presentation on “Office 365 and SharePoint 2013 Hybrid Environments” that I gave on 17 January 2013 at the Southeast Asia SharePoint Conference 2013: [dciframe],597px,486px,0,auto,;align:left;[/dciframe] Office 365 and SharePoint 2013 Hybrid Environments from Rene Modery You can find more information and links to documentation and whitepapers on Blog post with instructions on how to set up your own hybrid environment coming up soon as well!

New Service Descriptions for Office 365 Wave 15

Note: This post was originally published when Office 365 in the Wave 15 version was in Preview. It has been released in the meantime, but the contents of this post will still be updated to reflect any changes. Also, please note that the downloads below do not include the whole Service Descriptions, but an overview of the features only. Please refer to the online version whenever needed Note: Last Update Details

Presenting at the Southeast Asia SharePoint Conference 2013: Hybrid SharePoint 2013 and Office 365

Once again, I’ll be speaking at the Southeast Asia SharePoint Conference, this time on SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Hybrid scenarios. The conference will be held on 16+17 January 2013 here in Singapore. And once again, there’ll be a great list of international speakers, among them Michael Noel, Joel Oleson, Dux Sy, and Jennifer Mason! More details on my session coming soon!

Preparing for the SharePoint Conference 2012

In a bit more than 24 hours, I’ll be leaving Singapore and flying to Los Angeles for a few days of relaxation, sightseeing, and generally just being a tourist before heading to Las Vegas on Saturday for the SharePoint Conference 2012. At the conference, I’ll be part of the live bloggers, once again organised by Dave Coleman. I’ll post the summaries of the sessions I’ll attend over at SharePointEduTech as Details