Scenario Sometimes you may need to figure out where a specific type of web part has been used. Today, I’ll show you how you can check all pages in your Site Pages library for a specific web part. I’ve had this code for a while as I was looking for some specific web parts (Content Editor) before. Yesterday, I briefly saw a blog post on announcing the deprecation of the Details
Updated Release: RSS Feed Web Part for Office 365
Update: SharePoint Online RSS Viewer now supports external feeds A long overdue update for my RSS Feed Web Part for Office 365. New to the web part? Have a look at the release history: August 2011 March 2012 What has been changed? The first change was in the JavaScript code. There were some issues when you were using this web part on a secure site (with SSL), as the call Details
Updated RSS Feed Web Part for Office 365
Update: SharePoint Online RSS Viewer now supports external feeds [warning_box]A newer version of the web part is available at Updated Release: RSS Feed Web Part for Office 365[/warning_box] Back in August, I released a RSS Feed Web Part for Office 365, as the SharePoint RSS feed web part doesn’t work in SharePoint Online. Today I’m releasing a better updated version. Why? What has changed? Where can you get it and Details